PyTest Coaching Post-Mortem: How to Win Friends and Influence Testing Culture
A post-mortem on delivering training and coaching the team to apply testing practices.

Intro to ML: Regression Workshop
Introductory workshop materials to work through two regression tasks predicting prices of diamonds and houses.

From Zero to Test: Turning hurdles into steps.
A few basic principles on testing to overcome that initial 'wall of daunting' and have a framework for successes.

Advanced Python Testing
Documenting the rabbit hole of testing tools and options in Python
Self-Signed Certificates
A rant on Corporate Proxies causing an oxymoron of security practices.
Scaling: Lessons About Startup Growth
Presentation on how all your design decisions break at some scale. Using head count as a metaphor.
Going Global: Lessons About Startup Growth
Presentation on how all your design decisions break at some scale. Using head count as a metaphor.
Journey Into Vim
Detailing and recapping to myself why I got into vim and continue to practice the vim way.