# Going Global: Lessons about Startup Growth
As part of the University of Newcastle opening their new campus NeW Space in the Newcastle CBD and in collaboration with UoN Global, the Hunter Young Professionals organised for myself and Grame Barty to give presentations about our experiences of entering into global markets.
# Event Links
HYP Going Global event recap blog post
# Slide Deck
You can tab through the slides in your own time. I have revised them from the originals presented on the night to better accommodate tabbing through in your own time.
There are 113 slides and the talk ran for 30 minutes. It's pretty fast paced and my favourite style of presentation. Any comments or feedback please get in touch with me via LinkedIn
# Homework
If you haven't read The Lean Startup by Eric Ries, I highly recommend it as it also captures some of these ideas and lessons.
Follow the link above if you would like to get the audiobook version from Audible. Your first book is free. I also receive no commission or profit if you follow the link, I just liked the book that much.